
Blogging about the Detective Emilia Cruz police series.

Mexico, Women, Femicide, Fiction

Mexico, Women, Femicide, Fiction

“Women and glass are always in danger.” – Mexican proverb Imagine if Portland, Maine, or Greenville, South Carolina went missing, simply ebbing away like shadows in sunlight over the course of 14 years. The official count of people missing in Mexico since 2006 is...

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The Ayotzinapa tragedy 4 years later

The Ayotzinapa tragedy 4 years later

My most recent book, 43 MISSING: Detective Emilia Cruz Book 6, was inspired by the events of September 2014 when 43 students from a teacher's college in the town of Ayotzinapa, near Acapulco in Mexico's state of Guerrero, disappeared in the nearby town of...

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Read the first chapter of 43 MISSING

Read the first chapter of 43 MISSING

For most authors, the final draft of a mystery novel is markedly different than the first. In fact, the first chapter of 43 MISSING was rewritten a  dozen times. Nothing really clicked until the book was done. Then I went back and wrote it with a hint of premonition....

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The real story behind 43 MISSING

The real story behind 43 MISSING

43 MISSING, the latest Detective Emilia Cruz novel, is fiction but is based on a true, unsolved crime. A big, terrible, words-fail-me unsolved crime. 43 Missing In September 2014, forty-three students from the Ayotzinapa Normal School disappeared while in...

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Detective Emilia Cruz’s gambling addiction

Detective Emilia Cruz’s gambling addiction

Detective Emilia Cruz is a gambler. You could even go so far as to say she has a gambling addiction. The Gambler As a cop in Acapulco, one of the most deadly cities in the world thanks to Mexico’s drug cartels, Emilia gambles every day that she’ll survive the violence...

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Exclusive! First chapter of KING PESO

Exclusive! First chapter of KING PESO

The countdown to KING PESO is officially on! The 4th Detective Emilia Cruz novel will be released for Kindle on 18 August and in paperback on 30 August. While you wait to see just how hot it can get in Acapulco, read the first chapter. In KING PESO, Acapulco is rocked...

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Author Carmen Amato

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