The Book Savor series is new to this blog and grew out of my passion for good books, good friends, and great discussions about what we are reading.

And what is the best way to get those great book discussions going? With some thought-provoking questions of course!

This week Editor-in-Chief Lorraine C. Ladish shares the books she savors.

1.Carmen Amato: What was the first book you read that marked the transition from reading kids’ books to grown-up fare?

Lorraine C. Ladish: One of the “Tropics¨ by Henry Miller. I was still a kid, but I read everything that my father left lying around. I come from a family of readers and writers.

2. CA: You are shipwrecked with a crate labeled “Books.” What 3 books do you hope are in it?

LCL: A novel, a book on leadership and a collection of short stories. Something I haven’t already read.

 3. CA: What book would you give as a housewarming gift and why?

LCL: I wouldn´t give a book as a housewarming gift. A book is as personal as perfume.

4. CA: You can invite any author, living or dead, to dinner at your home. What are you serving and what will the conversation be about?

LCL: Stephen King, because he says it like it is. We´d have Spanish tapas and beer or wine. I´d ad lib. I´d love to hear how he cranks out the word.

Linchpin book cover 5. CA: Can you leave us with a quote, a place, or a concept from a book that inspired you?

LCL: Lately I read more non-fiction, and a title that stuck with me is: ¨Linchpin! Are You Indispensable?” by Seth Godin.

Tell us about yourself in 3 sentences or less.

LCL: Curious, inspired, determined, eager, passionate, relentless. Woman, mother, partner, daughter, friend.

More about this week’s guest: Lorraine C. Ladish is Editor-in-Chief of The mother of two young girls, Lorraine is bilingual and bicultural. She has authored 15 books of non-fiction on the subject of women’s issues and empowerment and 2 novels. She has contributed to People en Español, Redbook, Babycenter, The Palm Beach Post, and BlogHer. She is based in Sarasota, FL with her blended family. – Follow her on Twitter at @lorrainecladish
Author Carmen Amato

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