A Book Savor Chat with Social Media Marketing Expert Frances Caballo

 The Book Savor Series grew out of my passion for great books, great friends and interesting conversations about what we are reading.

This week’s guest, social media marketing expert Frances Caballo shares the books she savors.

1.Carmen Amato: What was the first book you read that marked the transition from reading kids’ books to grown-up fare?

Frances Caballo:  I think it was The Scarlett Letter. I was in high school and we had to read the book and provide a report that discussed the symbolism in the book and other issues. I had a huge moment of inspiration and saw very clearly what the author was trying to communicate. What happened next was horribly embarrassing, which is why I remember this transition so clearly. The teacher asked a boy in the class to read my report without revealing the source. As he read, the entire class erupted into laughter. I was mortified but when I received my report back from my teacher, I saw that I was the only student to receive an A+ on the assignment.

2. CA: You are shipwrecked with a crate labeled “Books.” What 3 books do you hope are in it?

FC:  Just 3 books? For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway, Don Quijote (it’s spelled that way in Spain) de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes, and The Road by Cormac McCarthy.

Paella book cover3. CA: What book would you give as a housewarming gift and why?

FC:  Great question! Paella by Penelope Casas.

4. CA: You can invite any author, living or dead, to dinner at your home. What are you serving and what will the conversation be about?

FC:  I’m serving paella, Manchego cheese with quince, salad and flan for dessert. I would invite Doris Kearns Goodwin, author of No Ordinary Time, and ask her about how she conducts the extensive researched needed for her books.

5. CA: Can you leave us with a quote, a place, or a concept from a book that inspired you?

FC:  I love this quote: “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” – Rumi

We all need to take up our calling, whatever it might be. And if we follow the call, our souls will be fulfilled.

Tell us about yourself in 3 sentences or less.

I value integrity above all else. I love writing, books, writers, Labrador Retrievers and my husband-to-be, but not necessarily in that order. I can’t imagine living far from the coast; I would shrivel.

More about this week’s guest: I’d just published my first book when Frances interviewed me for her blog about social media marketing for authors. I’d found alot of tips in her articles and was thrilled that she thought I was headed in the right direction.  Recently she sent me some great tips for using Pinterest that you can get as a free download on her website, http://socialmediajustforwriters.com/.

Frances Caballo 250 by 250Frances  is a social media strategist, trainer, and author of Social Media Just for Writers: The Best Online Marketing Tips for Selling Your Books and Blogging Just for Writers. Presently, she is the Social Media Manager for the Women’s National Book Association-SF Chapter, the San Francisco Writers Conference, and the Bay Area Independent Publishers Association. You can find her on FacebookTwitterLinkedInPinterest, and Google+.

What I learned from the Internet this week: Did you know that world-wide, more people have a mobile phone than there are people with access to a flush toilet? Check out water.org for more key water facts.


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Frances Caballo


Mystery and thriller author. Retired Central Intelligence Agency intel officer. Dog mom to Hazel and Dutch. Recovering Italian handbag addict.


Author Carmen Amato

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