30 July 2020
RUSSIAN MOJITO, the 7th installment of the Detective Emilia Cruz police procedural series set in Acapulco by Carmen Amato, is a finalist for the 2020 Silver Falchion Award from the Killer Nashville International Mystery Writers Conference. See the press release here: https://killernashville.com/2020-killer-nashville-silver-falchion-award-finalists-announced/
Amato was awarded the Silver Falchion in 2019 for the Detective Emilia Cruz bilingual short story “The Artist.”
Published June 2019 by Laurel & Croton, RUSSIAN MOJITO pits the first female police detective in Acapulco against ruthless kidnappers and thieves targeting Mexico’s underground gas pipelines. It is available from Amazon in both ebook and paperback formats here: https://geni.us/russian-mojito