15 October 2020
AWAKENING MACBETH, a romantic thriller with a paranormal twist by Carmen Amato, tops BookLife’s Indie Spotlight of paranormal and supernatural offerings for October 2020: https://booklife.com/news/authors/10/15/2020/indie-spotlight-part-1-october-2020.html
The tale, inspired by Amato’s grandmother’s advice, is available from Amazon in ebook and paperback editions here: https://geni.us/awakening-macbeth
From BookLife:
About the book: Professor Brodie Macbeth is tormented by nightmarish scenes pulled from the pages of her deceased father’s British history books.
Author statement: “My grandmother gave me the idea for this book. When we granddaughters had children of our own, she cautioned us to always wake a child gently, never abruptly.‘The soul wanders while we sleep,’ she said. ‘It needs time to come back to us before we’re fully awake.’ But if evil steals a soul, what happens next? My grandmother never told me that part.”
See more about Amato’s family and the genesis of AWAKENING MACBETH, as well as the first chapter, on the author’s website: http://carmenamato.net/awakening-macbeth/
For more information, please contact Carmen Amato at carmen @ carmenamato.net.